Binglin GONG

  • Zijiang Young Scholar (research professor)

    Dr. Binglin Gong is a Zijiang Young Scholar (research professor) and Ph.D. supervisor at Faculty of Economics and Management, East China Normal University. She taught at Fudan University and Shanghai JiaoTong University. She received her Ph.D. in Economics from University of Maryland at College Park and her bachelor degrees in Probability & Statistics and Economics from Peking University. Her fields of specialization include Experimental Economics, Behavioral Economics, Industrial Organization, Behavioral Finance, and Microeconomics. In most of her studies she builds theoretical models and uses experimental methodologies to test theories and policies. She uses theoretical modeling, economic experiments and empirical methods in her studies. Her research covers a broad range from information disclosure, search behavior, financial bubbles, car license auction design, college admission to gender differences and the impact of gender ratio imbalance on saving decision. She has recently published on Management Science, Experimental Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization and The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development. She has also received many research grants at the international, national and provincial levels, and has been invited as a consultant in the research project of Shanghai car license auction design.
