Preeminence and Progress: Work Review (2022) of Asia Europe Business School of East China Normal University 2023-01-05 AEBS Academic News| Asia Europe Business School Enterprise Mentor Meeting 2022 & Appointment Ceremony2022-12-22 A Promising Future - the 29th Asia Europe Business School Dean's Luncheon was successfully held2022-11-09 Discussions on science and technology business | the academic seminar at ECNU’s anniversary for young teachers at Asia Europe Business School was successfully held2022-10-26 Break through again! Three marketing teachers’ applications to National Science Foundation Project in 2022 have been approved2022-09-08 AEBS Academic | Zhang Jiayi and Wu Xiting Attend the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management to Make a Research Report2022-08-31 Interdisciplinary innovation of marketing science: Introductions of summer college and relative experts of ECNU’s Asia Europe Business School in 20222022-08-14 The 6th National Excellent Student Summer Camp of ECNU’s Asia Europe Business School in 2022 was successful2022-07-11 The 2022 Graduation Ceremony of East China Normal University and the Graduation Education and Ceremony of Asia Europe Business School were successfully held2022-07-02 亚欧迎新 | International Voices from AEBS MIB Freshmen 2020-09-17 亚欧迎新 | International Voices from AEBS BBA Freshmen 2020-09-16 The First Commencement of AEBS Was Held Successfully 2020-06-28 ECNU Newsletter 2020 Issue 52020-06-08 AEBS Teaching | Three Teams Shortlisted for Ali GET Challenge 2020-05-15