Innovative Leadership | 2023 AEBS Enterprise Mentor Meeting



On December 27th, the 2023 enterprise mentor meeting of the Asia Europe Business School was held on the A1 floor of the Zizhu International Education Park.


A total of 26 enterprise mentors was appointed by AEBS in 2023. This year also marks the seventh year of the implementation of the Enterprise Mentor Program at the Asia Europe Business School. This aims to provide students with opportunities for in-depth communication and learning with elites from different fields, helping them establish early career awareness during the on campus learning stage and prepare for the knowledge and skills needed for career development in the future. By establishing an enterprise mentor system, it aims to set a learning example for students and enhance their professional practical abilities; Moreover, it hopes to strengthen the interaction between the school and enterprises, taking this as an opportunity to cultivate and deliver excellent talents for enterprises, and achieve win-win cooperation.



He Jiaxun, the Chinese dean of Asia Europe Business School, and 26 enterprise mentors from multiple industries such as marketing, information technology, artificial intelligence, integrated circuits, and consulting services, as well as Tang Xiaoying, the director of corporate relations at the school, attended the meeting. This meeting is hosted by Nichola LI, a 2022 undergraduate student in Business Administration.


   2023Enterprise Mentor Appointment Ceremony






The theme of the third session was "simulated interviews". Weng Qilei, Vice President of HR at Remy Cointreau Group in  China, and Xu Nan, Partner and Vice President of HR at Shanghai BRL Med Co., Ltd., led a series of explorations on the entire process of campus recruitment and student internship as well as career planning. Firstly, the Mentors led the students participating in the forum to give a one minute self introduction to quickly break the ice. Students from different countries and regions shared their growth experiences in both Chinese and English. Next, they shared their interview experiences with everyone. Everyone will elaborate on their cognition and understanding during the interview process from different perspectives such as student union interviews, club interviews, independent enrollment interviews, and internship interviews. Finally, Yuan Haozhe (2023BBA student )conducted a one-on-one structured interview as a representative of his classmates. Mentor. Xu Nan, as the interviewer, evaluated and assessed the candidates from all aspects using the SMART model. Weng Qilei provided targeted comments, and everyone expressed that they had learned a lot from the case stduy.
