International Study Tour | Exploring the Mystery of "Learning Leads Industry" in the UK AI Industry! The recruitment for the "Artificial Intelligence and Innovation Leadership" visiting program at Oxford University officially start!


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Artificial intelligence is one of the battlefields in the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation. In recent years, the artificial intelligence industry in the UK has developed rapidly. According to the Global Artificial Intelligence Index report released by technology media Tortoise Media in 2023, the UK's comprehensive situation in the field of artificial intelligence is currently ranked fourth globally, with the top three being the United States, China, and Singapore. Data shows that there are currently over 3000 artificial intelligence companies in the UK, with total revenue exceeding £ 10 billion and over 50000 people engaged in AI related work, contributing £ 3.7 billion to the economy.


For a long time, the British government has shown a very positive attitude towards the development and application of AI technology, and has provided strong support. In 2017, the UK's Industry Strategy White Paper proposed that one of the key goals of the UK's future industry strategy is to become the most innovative economy, attract global AI talent, and envision the UK as a global center for artificial intelligence. In April 2018, the UK released the Artificial Intelligence Industry Agreement, which supports the development of the AI industry ecosystem at the policy level. The British government has successively established artificial intelligence committees, artificial intelligence offices, and so on. In 2021, the UK government released the "Artificial Intelligence Roadmap", launched the national level "Artificial Intelligence Strategy" in 2022, and released the first "Artificial Intelligence Regulatory White Paper" in March 2023.

"Learning leads production" is one of the development characteristics in the field of AI in the UK. In the UK, the vast majority of AI companies are concentrated in areas where universities are concentrated, such as London, Oxford, Cambridge, and Edinburgh. Here are top universities and research institutions from around the world, as well as elite scholars and highly creative young students from all over the world, who provide a continuous source of motivation for the development of the UK AI industry.

In this study visit, students will attend a week-long training course held by Harris Manchester (or Mansfield College), University of Oxford, and listen to lectures on AI, leadership, strategic management, globalization and other courses given by professors and experts from famous universities such as Oxford University, Cambridge University, King's College London, Surrey University, Aston University, and British business people. In addition, students will also visit well-known companies such as BMW and LEVC factories, have conversations with global technology industry managers, and experience the scenery of British cities such as Oxford. The visiting course will be taught in both Chinese and English. All students who successfully complete the course will receive a course certificate issued by Harris Manchester College, Oxford University.

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Visiting study arrangements


Oxford University's Visiting Program on Artificial Intelligence and Innovation Leadership

Time: 27 September --- 5 October 2024

The total itinerary of this visiting study project is about 10 days (including round-trip flight time), covering multiple courses related to artificial intelligence taught by professors and experts from the University of Oxford and Cambridge, as well as executives from science and technology startups, such as how artificial intelligence and other technologies shape the global economy, in-depth research on Stable Diffusion, how artificial intelligence changes urban life and sustainable development, as well as business and management related courses on innovation leadership, digital asset prospects, and the global regulatory environment affecting financial technology. In addition, the project also offers practical courses such as visiting well-known manufacturing factories such as BMW or LEVC, as well as visiting Oxford culture.

Project objectives


Oxford University's Visiting Program on Artificial Intelligence and Innovation Leadership

Through cross-cultural communication and experience, this project aims to help students:

1. Beyond the level of manager education, shape the executive landscape, and enhance innovative leadership in the new AI era.

2. Visit local innovative enterprises, learn about their strategic capabilities and innovation sources from an application perspective, and gain industry insights and inspiration.

3. Visit world-class universities such as Oxford and Cambridge to experience the higher education culture in the UK from an academic perspective, and explore the root causes of the emergence of innovative talents in the AI industry in the UK.

4. Enhance the global perspective, learn cutting-edge AI technologies and applications, and transfer the gains to future learning and career development

Recruitment targets


This visiting study program is open to all current students at the Asia Europe Business School, and previous graduates (including international students)



Please scan the QR code below or click "Read Original" to fill out the registration application form. Limited quota, registration is expedited.

Scan QR code to register

Consultation contact: Wenting CHEN (Secretary of International Affairs )

Consultation hotline: 021-61911357          15902128501

Interested students are welcome to sign up actively. After registration, the school will hold an online briefing to introduce the specific itinerary and related cost details of the program. Please stay tuned.
