Innovative Leadership | A Journey of Global Entrepreneurship


Shanghai, May 18th, 2024 - The AoeChinese (1st) Global Entrepreneurship Competition for Foreigners, held in Shanghai, was a platform where I shared a project that is not just a career milestone but also a personal passion. This project, though born from a professional angle, was deeply influenced by my personal experiences and interests in languages, including sign language which I encountered both in Zambia and China.

About ten years ago, my interest into the world of languages introduced me to American and Zambian sign languages. Though I have not retained fluency in these languages, the experience significantly shaped my perspectives on communication barriers. Recently, witnessing the frequent use of sign language in Shanghai reignited my passion, steering me towards a project that addresses communication barriers for the hearing impaired through advanced AI technology.

At the competition, my focus was on presenting a technology-driven solution to bridge the communication gap for the hearing-impaired community. Our device uses the latest AI technology to translate sign language into spoken and written language, ensuring smooth communication between the hearing impaired and others. While details of the technology were discussed, the emphasis was also on the potential social impact, aligning with recent legislative advances like the new standards for barrier-free environments in China.

Competing against five other projects, and winning the first prize was not just a professional victory but a validation of a personal cause. The project was part of a broader discussion on AI's future in accessibility, shared with industry experts from leading tech companies like Intel and Huawei during a panel discussion. These interactions provided valuable insights into the evolving role of technology in creating inclusive environments.

Looking forward, the goal is to broaden the scope of this technology to support various communities with different needs, ensuring no one is left behind in our fast-paced world. The support and feedback from the competition has been instrumental in refining our approach, and as we move forward, the focus will be on enhancing the technology's accessibility and effectiveness.

This competition was more than just a contest; it was a platform that tested and showcased our commitment to making a significant social impact through technology. As we continue to develop and expand our project, the aim is to transform challenges into opportunities for inclusion and accessibility. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this project and supported us through this journey. I am excited about the future and the changes we are poised to bring.

Author: Maxwell Ziwa

Liaison: Luyao Fu

Copy editor: Wenting Chen

Editor: Mei Xia
