Nichola Li: A Kaleidoscope of Cultures and Experiences


Nearly two years now at AEBS. What can you do in two years you may wonder?

First of all.“Shanghai's giving” – That's what I would say. The atmosphere. The wealth in opportunities. The diversity.  As I pursue my BBA, I've had the pleasure of immersing myself in this vibrant city.

I had incredible opportunities to take on the role as a host at several different events across Shanghai,including TECOM Shanghai, S-Tron, and at the AEBS Mentoring Program which were all an equally enriching experience.


Additionally, being a curation member for TEDx AEBS was like stepping into a world of ideas and innovation. Collaborating with a team of passionate AEBSers, we put together a thought-provoking event that sparked engaging discussions and left a lasting impact on the audience. It was an opportunity to amplify voices, share powerful stories, and inspire change.

Last year, I had the chance to showcase my Kiwi spirit by volunteering for opening our very first New Zealand booth at the ECNU Multicultural ExpoI was able to proudly shared my culture, traditions, and maybe even a few "Kia ora’s” with curious visitors. The experience was a wonderful blend of laughter, learning, and bonding with people from all walks of life.

Speaking of bonding, let me also mention the incredible friendships I've made here. At AEBS, there is a wide mix of cultures, and I've been fortunate enough to have such a wonderful diverse group of people I call my friends. It's like having a global family right on campus! We've shared countless stories, delicious meals, and spontaneous adventures that will forever hold a special place in my heart.

These friendships have not only expanded my cultural horizons but also taught me the art of perspective-taking. Discovering the nuances of different customs, traditions, and ways of thinking has broadened my worldview in ways I couldn't have imagined.

Beyond the personal growth and the occasional hilarious language mishaps, these friendships have also opened doors to exciting possibilities. Networking with international students means building valuable connections that expands to the rest of the world. Who knows where these friendships might lead us in the future? International collaborations, cross-cultural business ventures, or even just a friendly face to catch up with over a cup of tea in different continents. The possibilities are endless!


As I reflect on my journey at AEBS, I'm filled with gratitude for the experiences, friendships, and memories I've gained. It has been a whirlwind of cultures, hardship, laughter, and personal growth.

For those peers that are reading this. Whether it is 5 or 10 years down the road, where we may be scattered across continents, speaking different languages, and living totally different lives. It will be a testament to the thread of fate that binds us together. Hopefully, as friends. Maybe, as classmates. Or one day, as strangers.
