AEBS Dean's Luncheon, Connecting A Promising Future


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The 33rd Dean's Luncheon of Asia Europe Business School(ECNU) was held on March 28 in Room 103, A1 Building, Zizhu International Education Park. AEBS has successfully held 32 Deans' Luncheons, which aims to build a platform for the exchange between students and teachers, enhance the friendship and connection between students and faculty as well as help students' overall development.

Prof. He Jiaxun, Chinese Dean of AEBS, Ms. Fu Luyao, student counselor, Rebolledo Mendoza, Claudia Itzel, Alotti Abdelaziz, Ahmad Morshes, Zhao Xinyi, Ding Yanru, Zhumagulova Dariya, and Maxwell Ziwa attended the event. In a relaxing and pleasant atmosphere, they gathered together to discuss and exchange ideas on teaching mode, language level, intercultural communication, future planning, extracurricular activities and so on.

Firstly, Dean He demonstrated a genuine concern for the living and learning conditions of all participating students, attentively listening to their career aspirations. Inspired by the cordial talk with Dean He, students engaged in self-introductions, fostering deeper connections among themselves.

During the session, students raised concerns regarding the challenges faced by Chinese students in learning English, particularly in an all-English teaching environment. Dean He emphasized the necessity of English proficiency, suggesting that Chinese students enhance their language skills through increased interaction with international peers and regular practice in daily life. Recognizing the competitive advantage conferred by improved English proficiency at the Asia Europe Business School, Dean He proposed organizing a "language corner" activity to facilitate cross-cultural dialogue, fostering mutual understanding and linguistic development for both Chinese and international students.

Furthermore, Dean He highlighted a common issue among students—insufficient awareness of societal matters and difficulty accessing relevant information, such as understanding government reports. Encouraging a proactive approach, Dean He advised students to broaden their perspectives by engaging with diverse social content and actively participating in club activities to refine interpersonal skills and acquire professional knowledge essential for their future roles in society.

To provide practical exposure to professional environments, Dean He advocated for increased enterprise visits, enabling students to gain first-hand insights into various industries and better align their career goals. Additionally, expanding club activities was proposed to enrich students' extracurricular experiences and develop their holistic skill set.

Dean He emphasized the importance of career planning courses tailored for freshman and junior students, aimed at clarifying their career trajectories and dispelling uncertainties about future employment prospects.

Author: Maxwell Ziwa

Copy editor: Fu luyao, Chen Wenting

Editor: Xia Mei
